October 4, 2019

We’re pleased to announce the launch of My Mascon, an improved online portal where you can easily:
- View/download current bill and billing history
- Make online credit card payments or conveniently set up pre-authorized credit card payments
- Monitor your internet data usage to avoid going over your monthly data cap.
- Access long distance calling records within last billing cycle
- Update your billing address, email address and phone number
- Request upgrades to your Mascon internet or TV services
- Log into your @cablelan.net and @AirSPEEDwireless.ca webmail
Register for your My Mascon account at https://mascon.ca/mymascon/
*If you had registered a My Mascon account prior to June 18, 2019, your login credentials no longer work and you will need to re-register to gain access to your My Mascon account.
Questions? Call 1.866.832.6020 to speak with a professional Mascon Customer Service Representative